Tag Archives: parents

Here we go again another nut case has shot up a school.

Blog 91 the knocker blog.com

Here we go again another nut case has shot up a school.

 Police officers have failed to respond to an obvious action required situation and you are all asking WHY?  Why would an officer that has such longevity on a police force fail to recognize when the situation requires that he or she put it all on the line.

I was in policing for 30 years I wrote my book “A view from the street /River City Policing” by S. Henry Knocker on this very subject.

The problem goes much deeper than you might think I wrote my book on this subject Doing the minimum and getting the maximum. This is an attitude that contributes to the failures that we witness throughout the public service arena and in private sector as well.

There are those that work around us that never measure up they can’t or won’t do the job and we tolerate this behavior. They do this to avoid complaints from the public. Doing nothing becomes a habit and when the stuff hits the fan they freeze. They haven’t done anything. They have no experiences to rely on. They have actually trained themselves to do nothing. Police administrations and politicians actually encourage this behavior. Weather it is deliberate or not I can’t say.

I can tell you what happened to me. I had a situation you can read about in my book. I was confronted with a man with a 30/30 rifle advancing toward me my choices were to run or stand my ground. It was a standoff I had my 9MM pointed right at him if he tried to move the rifle up to fire. I would have Shot this fool without one bit of remorse. Something told me not to, I let him walk up to me face to face then I bowled him over. We crashed threw a glass coffee table. I disarmed him and that was that I thought.

Well the New Chief at the time thought I should have run and let his new Swat team deal with a barricaded suspect in a residential area because that is what the book said at the time. Somehow turning my back on a 30/30 in the hands of a Known Nut Case was not that appealing to me at the time. The fool chief’s answer was well the gun turned out not to be loaded, and he put a letter of reprimand in my file.

Over my career both in the military and police force, I have received numerous awards and citations. I also receive a goodly number of complaints that I was over zealous and was picking on certain bad actors in the community.

It was my attitude if I kept getting an invitation to deal with you and you caused me to do paperwork. I was not going to be inclined to give you a break when that little thing cropped up in your life that I was made aware of. On the other hand when you saw the light you got the same breaks I afforded the average Joe. It was Fergie’s incentive program.   I was of the mindset that the judge was busy and didn’t need me sending things up to the courts that folks were truly remorseful for. I told a lot of folks “Why should you be charged a couple hundred bucks for a lecture from a lawyer that I could give you for free”. Most folks appreciated the wisdom. The ones that didn’t I just sent them over to the judge and they got the lecture straight from the horse’s mouth.

The whole point is that officers need to be supported properly by their administrations to get the best out of them

If you want to read up on this my book is on amazon.  I use the book as a fundraiser for the V F W it is called ” A View from the Street / River City Policing By S. Henry Knocker See Help the Vets at Post 5564 on face book

  1. Henry Knocker theknockerblog.com

All rights come with responsibilities

Blog 90 theknockerblog.com

                                           All rights come with responsibilities

The U S Constitution with its bill of rights is the foundation of the idea that we must rule ourselves with civility and charity towards all.

The duty to listen

We have as a responsibility to listen to our “Fellow Citizens” and to treat that discourse civilly even when that discourse seems treasonous to the Idea of the Constitution, with its bill of rights. I don’t believe we owe that same duty to none citizens. We should merely tolerate them as hopefully well-meaning advisers. They are like the neighbor who butts in to tell you how to raise your children.

This country has some well-meaning neighbors butting in and not only telling us our jobs, but taking over our jobs without even an invitation and to make matters worse they left their kids here to finish the fight when we kicked them out of the country. Don’t you think this is Rude behavior?

The duty to defend

All of us have a duty to defend one another against the invasion of those that seek to force their will on us even if there are those in our family that think the invaders have a point. Until we have decided among ourselves, the invaders are just that invaders crowding our space and interrupting our civil discourse.

The duty to moderate the extremes

We have a duty to moderate the extremes. Some in the family want to round all these invaders up and line them up against President Trump’s wall and shoot them and send that message. Well that is extremist!!

On the other hand we have a group of family members that want to give the invaders everything they are demanding and more they want all the neighbors to come and live in our house with their rules and we should feel ashamed that we haven’t done that yet, and by the way we should put it to a vote and let the neighbors all vote too. Oh yah! and we should let the invaders intimidate anyone that disagrees with the invaders with street demonstrations. Well this is extremist also!!!


The middle ground here is to send them all home.

Somehow I don’t think that is going to happen.  Do You?

  1. Henry Knocker


Blog 87 Larceny by Trick and Device

My fellow citizens of the State of Washington In the early Years of my tenure as a police officer in this State, there was a statute ( Law ) that stated an individual could not use trick and device to steal from the public. It was aimed at the conman, used car dealer, shady contractor, or fund raising schemes of all types, that promised more than they delivered. When title 9 was revamped this wording fell away. There was a predictable rise in crimes against the elderly and poor thereafter.

When we had such laws the general public could get the occasional news story about some person, being fleeced and the term “by trick and device” being used. The public consciousness being aware of the term, the public naturally looked down on those that practiced these dark arts.

As politicians became subject to the occasional comparisons to those that would hoodwink the elderly and poor and this wording in the law being compared to the politicians. The politicians said to themselves, we need to change the public’s perception of us.

Under the guise that the laws were out dated and churchlike blue in nature and just not up to the modern times we were living in today. The politicians convinced us that our grandparents understanding of human nature was just wrong.

Thus began a long slow decent into the liberal quagmire we are experiencing today. God bless the liberals they mean well. The trouble is they use “Trick and Device “ to get us to go along with every stupid idea that comes along. Billions are being spent on projects that are touted to end traffic congestion. Busses, Light rail, toll bridges and toll lanes on the “FREE WAYS” and now we come full circle. To pay for this boondoggle, a new old tax on vehicle registration.

Whoopee the libs just shot themselves in the foot. They sent the poor and middle class a message; get on the bus or train and off our freeways. Now you who can barely afford to put gas in your cars get hit with high fees for the privilege of driving on the roads that apparently belong to the upper classes.

Do you think this is not “Larceny by Trick and Device” ask yourself do you really want to get around this way? Do you want to pay the rest of your life for something YOU won’t use?

If you say yes to this get ready for a tax on sugary drinks, plastic shopping bags, carbon emissions and a whole host of left wing TRICKS.

What do you mean? This is already happening? Where? Seattle? Thurston County? Tacoma?

You have got to be kidding me?

S Henry Knocker            theknockerblog.com

A Gun pointed at your head

Blog 84 theknockerblog.com

                                           A Gun pointed at your head

Obama Care and many federal programs start with grand ideals and end up as a gun pointed at the heads of the American people. The gun is taxation and threats of fines, demonization and jail time for those who fail to pay or go along with the programs.

The 10th amendment States that Powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to it by the States are reserved to the states or the people.”

My Question is when and how did we the people grant the feds with the power to take control of healthcare, welfare, education, the environment and the very idea of federal supremacy over laws and issues not specifically granted the federal government by the Constitution of the United States. Was there some kind of Kabuki dance by our elected officials to override the 10th amendment?

“He has erected a Multitude of new offices, and sent hither Swarms of new Officers to harass our people, and eat out their Substances”(Declaration of independence par. 12)

It now seems that what King George did; We are now doing to ourselves.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, (Declaration of independence par. 2)

When the choice of our leaders comes down to a choice between someone that respects the constitution and one that believes that the constitution is an obstacle to the tyrannical rule she desires. One who has promised to appoint judges that would water down the safeguard of our liberty guaranteed in the constitution.

The choice is clear

S Henry Knocker


The myth and Black lives Matter Lies

Blog 80 theknockerblog.com
The myth and Black lives Matter Lies
Every credible study of police shootings of black men has concluded that there is no truth to the myth perpetuated by liberal politicians, the ACLU, NAACP and the Black Lives Matter movement is a lie. This U tube presentation lays out the argument and I urge all my readers to watch this presentation. https://youtu.be/UQCQFH5wOJo
I started in police work in 1969 after 4 years in the army and National Guard and retired in 2000. I then worked for the army as a Range tec. We Trained National Guard, and reservist for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. I can say I have been involved in race relation of one sort or another most of my life. I am 70 now Most of my army courier was spent at post in the south in the 60s I have seen discrimination there and overseas. I have written a book about my experiences “ A View From The Street / River City Policing” You can download it for a couple bucks on amazon. If you care to read it all the proceeds go to VFW Post 5564 (See Help the vets at VFW Post 5564 on Face Book)
My firs introduction to racial hatred came from a black female when I was in the 7th grade She slapped me across the face with a ruler for talking to another black girl in language arts class you could read the ruler marks on my face for a week after that one. Before the 7th grade I had never been exposed to any racial bigotry I knew that there was something going on because King TV in Seattle ran PAS’s a little jingle that went
“ OH! The Peach pit said to the apple core the color of our skin don’t matter anymore”
I figured out what they were talking about in that 7th Grade language arts class. Those black kids hated us white kids. I got the hell beat out of me a couple times after that by mean whit kids and black kids that just didn’t like me because I had friends of all races.
The year was 1962 I took a summer job at a locale moving company my uncle worked there and he hooked some of us boys up with the job. One day a black kid came in to the dispatcher and asked for a job. The dispatcher took his application and although I knew we were shorthanded that day as soon as the kid left; he round filed the application, with a remark I won’t repeat here. The next payday I quit I told my uncle I could not work for folks like that I didn’t think my Great grandfather his grandfather a Methodist preacher would like us working for that guy. The next spring I took a job in Alaska at a fishing cannery. I returned in June and joined the National Guard and a year later I transferred to the regular army
Army life on post blacks and whites served together ate together slept together trained and suffered together, but when we stepped off post all that togetherness ended. It was not that some of us would not have hung out together. You didn’t dare! If I took a black friend to a white area he would catch hell! If he took me to sugar town I would catch hell! It all went back to that 7th grade language arts class if some of us wanted to be friends the haters would step in and end the threat.
The time has come for the good people in all races to stand up and confront the evil on both sides
The girl that wanted to be my friend in the 7th grade should have got up and clocked that ruler slapper, and I should have smacked that dispatcher that round filled the black kid’s job application!
Life is full of regrets.
S. Henry Knocker

theknockerblog.com Blog 79 In my 30 years in police work I noticed that there is also an over emphasis in many poor black households on “the MAN” Every Ill is blamed on “the Man” This goes on in white homes also but not to the extent that it does in the minority community. The police are wrongly identified as “the man” They should be Identifying “the Man” As their local politicians. There is a need to look in the Mirror for the ones responsible. Politicians are like parents that faced with evidence to the contrary, choose to deny reality; they take the attitude that their child would not do “that” whatever “That is”! Patrol officers hear this all the time. Most just shrug and walk away, knowing that the destruction of the child is thoroughly underway. This is wrong, but it is less likely to generate the thing that the patrolman fears most. That thing is a letter of complaint. In the ass chewing that occurs from one of these letters the political establishment never gives any credit to the officers attempt to point out the problem with defending “Johnny”, when the evidence is that Johnny is a on the path to becoming a “dirt bag corps in an ally” (I know this is harsh reality can be that way sometimes) My Prescription is: Look in the Mirror Take personal responsibility. Apologize for the children, but hold them accountable. Elect politicians that will hold wrong doers accountable; police and civilian alike. Community policing can only be as effective as the community’s willingness to by in. No by in! No peace! I am sick of politicians in both party’s getting away with all the criminal crap they get away with. The double standard is painfully obvious. I want a change to the U.S. constitution to allow the voters to choose an independent attorney general. A non-partisan attorney general would put the fear of god back in all these parties and the politicians that run them and steal from the taxpayer. The crap Hillary pulled, and Nixon before her, are examples. People who wrongfully identify with one or the other parties are made co-conspirators. A pox on both houses and anyone that says “I’m an “R” or I’m a “D “ You are ALL co-conspirators. Just the simple thoughts of a simple man S. Henry Knocker theknockerblog.com


Blog 77 Corruption at: The Department of Justice

For the last 30 years or so the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. has become more and more Politically Corrupt.

This organization is supposed to be the peoples watch dog of the government. It has become the lap dog of whatever political machine is in power. It may have always been this way, but I just noticed it sense the Nixon administration. We can’t trust the political parties to police themselves any more. As long as the ruling party has control of the Justice Department they are free to use their power to harass and intimidate their rivals.

So now we have the IRS EPA, and others being used for political witch hunts. The State Department playing fast and loose with national secrets and the Justice Department dragging its feet on the investigation of a politician while just two years ago they slammed a poor little Army corporal into the big house so fast he needed a Sex change operation. It’s just not right.

What I think we need here is an amendment to the constitution taking the department of Justice out of the political realm, and make it an independently elected nonpartisan possession, that We the people elect every two years with the house of representatives. We should term limit the job and bar any retirement or compensation other than what we the people set as fair and just compensation indexed to inflation. End of story. This way that office would be beholding to the people and only the people.

No more enforcing only the laws that politics dictate. That will teach the political parties not to make laws that they don’t want enforce.

It would also be welcome if at the same time they add a line to the amendment that states “ All elected officials shall adhere to the spirit of the constitution and the courts shall interpret the constitution as it was originally intended Under penalty of impeachment.” The Congress shall fully fund the Department of Justice, least they use the power of the purse for mischief.

S. Henry Knocker


Blog 74 theknockerblog.com The left has a yellow streak


I have never seen anything like this:

The lefty university administrators seem to have a yellow streak. One bad thing happens and they leave a yellow streak on the road to out of here. They seem content to stay and collect a check. They Coddle the children and strok their own egos, but as soon as something a little bit challenging pops up, they burn up their word processors typing those letters of resignation.

When kids act up I tend to ask, who’s the adult, and who’s the kid?

I have always said that diversity of opinion is a goal in life. If we all think alike some of us are not necessary. This conundrum seems to be what the left has created and is fostering on college campuses’ a one world view. Saul Alinsky rules their world. Thinking themselves wise they have become fools. Where have I heard that before? McCarthyism in the 1930s and now a new “ism” to name in this millennium. OUR Universities are far too important of institutions to be allowed to be used as the incubators of civil war.

These White feathers who light the fuse and run like hell thinking no one notices better think twice. I see it, and I am going to point it out.

Whaling about white privilege, when you are the privileged, is disgusting. Privilege lectures from the privileged goes down like drinking battery acid to a guy who grew up with your parents whispering about me because I had holes in the knees of my pants, before that became fashionable.

Go read the Star Bellied Sneetches and know:  I think you all FOOLS!

S.Henry Knocker


Blog 72 theknockerblog.com Abuse of citizens and Police take downs


 In the ordinary business of policing the police are obliged to make arrests of belligerent individuals. This is a fact of life in the regulation of human conduct. There are two kinds of belligerents that are commonly encountered resisting arrest. There is the nonviolent resister, mouthy disrespectful beings intent on not following  the directions of authorities. This was as seen in the disgraceful exobition  in a high school classroom this last week. There are also violent resisters such as the one that started the riots in Ferguson Mo.  Both of these ended badly for the same reason.


Tombstone courage or failure to recognize the need for backup.


 I am a 30 year veteran of policing and a past president of the police guild of a medium sized pacific North West city. (See my book: A View from the Street / River City Policing) I have made many arrest under both of the situations articulated above. I have learn from bitter experience that there is no shame in taking the time to properly ramp up the number of personal needed to make these arrest. One on one may make us feel brave, and we are the home of the brave, but it makes us look like thugs, when we are dealing with some 98 pound, belligerent, thuggish girl, that we can roll up in a ball and  boot into the rear of a patrol car.  It will never look good when viewed through the prisms of the arch enemy of the police “the nightly news”.


This is what I have learned

That there is no such thing as a fair fight. Fair exercise of power in an arrest. is five on one. or one officer to control each arm and leg and one officer to explain to the crowd of on lookers why this violent person is being handled in this way. This officers sole responsibility is to point out the areas of resistance to the grate uninformed masses what the hell is going on. I have even gone so far as to call in the fire department and have an individual stretched out  on a back board and laced  up between two back boards because he was so violent and would not quit. This episode was drug induced. One 98 LB. high school girl was so violent that four officers had to hold her down and tie her up with ropes. One of us could have done the job but both the officer and the girl would have suffered great bodily harm. What made her mad? We removed her drunken boyfriend from the dance and she jumped on the back of an officer.


The point I am making here is that all officers should whenever possible never try to remove a belligerent one on one. Just because they haven’t clocked you yet don’t mean they won’t, and if they do you are, as a reflex, are going to clock them back. If you don’t get hurt at the scene of the arrest you will be hurt; as seen on the nightly news.  


S.Henry Knocker


Blog 72: theknockerblog.com: Lets think about the office of U.S. Attorney general


As a retired police officer the lawlessness of elected officials in the federal government really chaps my rear end.

How many times do the people have to suffer the excesses of politicians? The political class thinks it is immune from prosecution, and they have good reason to think just that.

It is bad enough that wars are conducted without declaration of war from the Congress, and related stuff like that. Obvious criminal acts are openly perpetrated against the people without consequence.

Richard Nixon deceived us, Bill Clinton lied under oath. Lois Lerner conspired with others to use the IRS to harass and intimidate ordinary citizens. General Petraeus and Hillary Clinton were carless with Government secrets. The list goes on and on I guess if you are a deranged Army E4 you can go to prison for dumping secrets on the internet but if you’re a political hack, or friend thereof, running for the presidency you get to claim some kind of political immunity because your party has the white house and controls the Department of Justice.

The time has come to change the way we select the Attorney General. It seems that the politicians can’t be trusted to do the right thing. Maybe we should elect the Attorney General with a two year over lap of the presidential election. They might think twice before pulling any of these political shenanigans. Especially if the statute of limitations is ten years

I know that this idea isn’t going anywhere but me writing it may give someone pause to think and Know that some of us are getting PISTED.

S.Henry Knocker
