Blog 72: Lets think about the office of U.S. Attorney general


As a retired police officer the lawlessness of elected officials in the federal government really chaps my rear end.

How many times do the people have to suffer the excesses of politicians? The political class thinks it is immune from prosecution, and they have good reason to think just that.

It is bad enough that wars are conducted without declaration of war from the Congress, and related stuff like that. Obvious criminal acts are openly perpetrated against the people without consequence.

Richard Nixon deceived us, Bill Clinton lied under oath. Lois Lerner conspired with others to use the IRS to harass and intimidate ordinary citizens. General Petraeus and Hillary Clinton were carless with Government secrets. The list goes on and on I guess if you are a deranged Army E4 you can go to prison for dumping secrets on the internet but if you’re a political hack, or friend thereof, running for the presidency you get to claim some kind of political immunity because your party has the white house and controls the Department of Justice.

The time has come to change the way we select the Attorney General. It seems that the politicians can’t be trusted to do the right thing. Maybe we should elect the Attorney General with a two year over lap of the presidential election. They might think twice before pulling any of these political shenanigans. Especially if the statute of limitations is ten years

I know that this idea isn’t going anywhere but me writing it may give someone pause to think and Know that some of us are getting PISTED.

S.Henry Knocker

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