Blog 77 Corruption at: The Department of Justice

For the last 30 years or so the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. has become more and more Politically Corrupt.

This organization is supposed to be the peoples watch dog of the government. It has become the lap dog of whatever political machine is in power. It may have always been this way, but I just noticed it sense the Nixon administration. We can’t trust the political parties to police themselves any more. As long as the ruling party has control of the Justice Department they are free to use their power to harass and intimidate their rivals.

So now we have the IRS EPA, and others being used for political witch hunts. The State Department playing fast and loose with national secrets and the Justice Department dragging its feet on the investigation of a politician while just two years ago they slammed a poor little Army corporal into the big house so fast he needed a Sex change operation. It’s just not right.

What I think we need here is an amendment to the constitution taking the department of Justice out of the political realm, and make it an independently elected nonpartisan possession, that We the people elect every two years with the house of representatives. We should term limit the job and bar any retirement or compensation other than what we the people set as fair and just compensation indexed to inflation. End of story. This way that office would be beholding to the people and only the people.

No more enforcing only the laws that politics dictate. That will teach the political parties not to make laws that they don’t want enforce.

It would also be welcome if at the same time they add a line to the amendment that states “ All elected officials shall adhere to the spirit of the constitution and the courts shall interpret the constitution as it was originally intended Under penalty of impeachment.” The Congress shall fully fund the Department of Justice, least they use the power of the purse for mischief.

S. Henry Knocker

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