The myth and Black lives Matter Lies

Blog 80
The myth and Black lives Matter Lies
Every credible study of police shootings of black men has concluded that there is no truth to the myth perpetuated by liberal politicians, the ACLU, NAACP and the Black Lives Matter movement is a lie. This U tube presentation lays out the argument and I urge all my readers to watch this presentation.
I started in police work in 1969 after 4 years in the army and National Guard and retired in 2000. I then worked for the army as a Range tec. We Trained National Guard, and reservist for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. I can say I have been involved in race relation of one sort or another most of my life. I am 70 now Most of my army courier was spent at post in the south in the 60s I have seen discrimination there and overseas. I have written a book about my experiences “ A View From The Street / River City Policing” You can download it for a couple bucks on amazon. If you care to read it all the proceeds go to VFW Post 5564 (See Help the vets at VFW Post 5564 on Face Book)
My firs introduction to racial hatred came from a black female when I was in the 7th grade She slapped me across the face with a ruler for talking to another black girl in language arts class you could read the ruler marks on my face for a week after that one. Before the 7th grade I had never been exposed to any racial bigotry I knew that there was something going on because King TV in Seattle ran PAS’s a little jingle that went
“ OH! The Peach pit said to the apple core the color of our skin don’t matter anymore”
I figured out what they were talking about in that 7th Grade language arts class. Those black kids hated us white kids. I got the hell beat out of me a couple times after that by mean whit kids and black kids that just didn’t like me because I had friends of all races.
The year was 1962 I took a summer job at a locale moving company my uncle worked there and he hooked some of us boys up with the job. One day a black kid came in to the dispatcher and asked for a job. The dispatcher took his application and although I knew we were shorthanded that day as soon as the kid left; he round filed the application, with a remark I won’t repeat here. The next payday I quit I told my uncle I could not work for folks like that I didn’t think my Great grandfather his grandfather a Methodist preacher would like us working for that guy. The next spring I took a job in Alaska at a fishing cannery. I returned in June and joined the National Guard and a year later I transferred to the regular army
Army life on post blacks and whites served together ate together slept together trained and suffered together, but when we stepped off post all that togetherness ended. It was not that some of us would not have hung out together. You didn’t dare! If I took a black friend to a white area he would catch hell! If he took me to sugar town I would catch hell! It all went back to that 7th grade language arts class if some of us wanted to be friends the haters would step in and end the threat.
The time has come for the good people in all races to stand up and confront the evil on both sides
The girl that wanted to be my friend in the 7th grade should have got up and clocked that ruler slapper, and I should have smacked that dispatcher that round filled the black kid’s job application!
Life is full of regrets.
S. Henry Knocker

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